Dustin Hostetler
Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
Chief Innovation Officer, Shareholder
Boomer Consulting
Twitter: @Flowtivity
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dustinhostetler/
Career Highlights:
After graduating from Ohio State with a degree in Finance, I began my professional career at Cardinal Health. I had the great fortune to be part of their financial leadership development program and rotated through several different accounting and finance roles my first two years before settling into a Senior Analyst role at corporate. From there, I joined a regional CPA firm in Ohio and lead the development of a value added services niche which is where I first experimented with the ideas of Lean Six Sigma inside a CPA firm. It went so well internally that by 2008 I was being asked by other CPA firms to come and do it for them. In 2011, I left to settle my entrepreneurial itch and created a company called Flowtivity. I was very much committed to the accounting profession and continued training and consulting in the areas of lean and strategic initiatives for CPA firms. And in January 2015 I merged Flowtivity into Boomer Consulting – taking on the role of Chief Innovation Officer along with continuing to drive our Lean Six Sigma service line. During this time span serving the accounting profession, I have worked with close to 200 CPA firms on process transformation, including 41 of the top 100 firms.
What are you doing to make a difference in the profession, your community, the world?
My passion and what drives me day-in and day-out is to make the experiences more rewarding in public accounting – for the staff, for the firms and for the clients of the firms. This is my purpose and big picture “why”. I believe accountants make a tremendous difference in the organizations they are connected to – my role is to reduce and remove their constraints so they can maximize that difference-making potential and create greater opportunities in their organizations and communities.
Favorite speakers:
- Patrick Lencioni (www.tablegroup.com/pat/)
- Jason Fried (@jasonfried)
- Joey Havens (http://blog.hornellp.com/bebetter)
- Dan Burris (https://www.burrus.com/)
- Simon Sinek (https://startwithwhy.com/)
See more of the 2018 40 Under 40 Honorees, and the 20 Under 40 Vendor Superstars.
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