Steven Bong
CEO, AuditFile
Walnut Creek, CA
Twitter: @auditfile_team
Career Highlights:
In 2011, my brother and I decided to start a company in our parents’ dining room while we were both still in the college. That small startup idea became AuditFile, the first and only commercially available, cloud-based auditing solution for CPAs and internal auditors. Our company started to really grow when we partnered with Wiley Advantage Audit in 2016, and integrated their audit programs into our platform. We now have thousands of customers worldwide and continue to grow each month!
Favorite books/websites/speakers that you find influential
“Fooled by Randomness” by Nassim Taleb, Ecclesiastes, “The Mythical Man-Month” by Fred Brooks
What websites/magazines do you use to keep up on news of the accounting profession?
CPA Practice Advisor, Accounting Today, Going Concern
See more of the 2018 40 Under 40 Honorees, and the 20 Under 40 Vendor Superstars.
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