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August 27, 2018

Roslyn Haynie Banks, EA, MAcc, BBA – 2018 40 Under 40 Honoree

Roslyn Haynie Banks, EA, MAcc, BBA Founder & CEOAdelaide Rose, LLCKilleen, Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: @adelaide.rose11 LinkedIn: Professional Associations/Memberships: Target 3 Chairman “Building Your Economic Legacy” for the Mu Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA) Capital of Texas Enrolled Agents (CTEA) National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA)... Read more »

Roslyn Haynie Banks, EA, MAcc, BBA

Founder & CEO
Adelaide Rose, LLC
Killeen, TX

Social Media:

Professional Associations/Memberships:

  • Target 3 Chairman “Building Your Economic Legacy” for the Mu Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA)
  • Capital of Texas Enrolled Agents (CTEA)
  • National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA)
  • Texas Society of Enrolled Agents (TxSEA)

Career Highlights:

After earning her degree in Finance from The College of William & Mary, Roslyn was hired as a financial analyst into an early talent leadership program by one of the nation’s largest retail banks. She has studied abroad in Adelaide, South Australia and Cape Town, South Africa. While earning her Master of Accountancy degree, she fell in love with tax research and the loopholes in the tax code. After successfully managing a retail tax office to exceed revenue and customer service quality goals she passed all parts of the EA exam on her first attempt that very same year! Her diverse Financial Planning and Analysis work experience has been a great resource to her solo tax practice as she offers advice and business coaching to other individuals, entrepreneurs, corporations and tax-exempt organizations.

What are you doing to make a difference in the profession, your community, the world?

As a military spouse Roslyn has explored various careers in finance and volunteered with numerous community service organizations nationwide. She enjoys public speaking and providing fresh insight on fundraising, philanthropy, investing, financial planning and income taxation topics. She has served as an Army Family Readiness Group (FRG) Leader at Fort Hood, Texas supporting soldiers and their family members. As a working mother, Roslyn also enjoys facilitating financial workshops for women and children. She is passionate about legacy planning and entrepreneurship. Additionally Roslyn is a dedicated trustee at her church and a Christian missionary who loves to travel.

Favorite books/websites/speakers:

I love to read and I am extremely proud of my eclectic personal library! I have read (and re-read, highlighted and wrote-in the margins) multiple books by Brenda Lane Richardson, Bishop TD Jakes and Joel Osteen. My favorite influential speakers are Michelle Obama and Priscilla Shirer.

What do you see yourself doing professionally in 10 years?

In ten years I would like to expand my current tax consulting practice, train and mentor other accounting professionals and become a NTPI Fellow. Additionally, I would like to be actively involved with federal income tax legislation and policy making as a consultant that can bridge the gap between lawmakers and their constituents.

What accounting conferences do you normally attend?

This year was my first time attending the IRS National Tax Forum, but I am looking forward to attending a different conference next year to interact with more Enrolled Agents to expand the representation portion of my business. I also attended the NAACP National Convention and plan to work more with their Economic Empowerment initiatives.

What websites/magazines do you use to keep up on news of the accounting profession?

CPA Practice Advisor magazine, Small Business Administration and



See more of the 2018 40 Under 40 Honorees, and the 20 Under 40 Vendor Superstars.

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