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August 26, 2018

Melissa A. Oaks, J.D., LL.M. – 2018 20 Under 40 Vendor Superstar

Melissa A. Oaks, J.D., LL.M. Managing Editor,Thomson Reuters Twitter: @melissaaoaks Career Highlights: I started my career practicing law in New York – first, within a large firm’s tax division and later, as a sole practitioner. I joined Thomson Reuters in 2013 as part of a talented team developing state and local tax content for a... Read more »

Melissa A. Oaks, J.D., LL.M.

Managing Editor,
Thomson Reuters

Twitter: @melissaaoaks

Career Highlights:

I started my career practicing law in New York – first, within a large firm’s tax division and later, as a sole practitioner. I joined Thomson Reuters in 2013 as part of a talented team developing state and local tax content for a new product: Checkpoint Catalyst. At Thomson Reuters, my work has included writing, editing, and presenting on complex multistate issues in the areas of apportionment, nexus, and e-commerce. In December 2017, I was promoted to Managing Editor of the Checkpoint Catalyst state and local editorial group – just in time for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act! The highlight of my career thus far would have to be attending the South Dakota v. Wayfair oral argument earlier this year and coordinating the Checkpoint team’s response to the landmark decision.

Favorite books/websites/speakers: Alex Raskolnikov at Columbia Law School and Deborah J. Goldstein at Winston & Strawn LLP were both major influences on my tax law career.   

What websites/magazines do you use to keep up on news of the accounting profession? I wouldn’t be able to do my job without the work of our amazing Checkpoint State and Local Tax Update team. The work of the folks at Tax Analysts and Tax Foundation is also invaluable.



See more of the 2018 40 Under 40 Honorees, and the 20 Under 40 Vendor Superstars.

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