Ashley Britton, CPA
Age: 35
Employer: AICPA
Title: Lead Manager, Not-for-Profit Content Development — Public Accounting
City/State: Durham, NC
Twitter: @albbritton81
Professional Associations/Memberships:
I am a member of the AICPA and the North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants. I have served as a member of the Accounting and Auditing committee and Not-for-Profit committee with the North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants.
I have had the opportunity to work with some amazing organizations and professionals since starting in the accounting profession in 2004. I started my career as an auditor and after working on my first not-for-profit organization audit, I was hooked. As an auditor, I served the not-for-profit industry for 12 years before changing directions professionally. During that time, I developed lasting relationships with my clients that helped me grow as a professional and personally. Their passion for their missions is infectious and I was lucky to be a part of it. After leaving public accounting I joined the AICPA, where I provide resources and learning opportunities for finance professionals working in and serving not-for-profit organizations. At this point, my career highlight is being able to work in niche full of organizations that offer so much to the communities they serve.
I have served on several boards of not-for-profits that offer assistance to my community. I have served as treasurer of Communities in Schools of Lee County, a board member of Communities in Schools of North Carolina, and treasurer of the West Lee Parent Teacher Student Organization. Being the mother of two girls I want to show my children the importance of giving back to our community and offering assistance to the organizations that support missions we are passionate about. Professionally, I have served on several conference committees and have spoken on not-for-profit topics locally and nationally.
Favorite influencer(s) (authors, bloggers, mentors, speakers, etc.)
I have had the pleasure of growing up around some of the strongest women I know, and they have had a huge influence on me professionally and personally. After the death of her husband, my grandmother, Jo Lane, raised 4 small children alone. Her work ethic, perseverance, and passion are apparent to anyone who knows her. These qualities were passed to her children and I’m thankful that my mom, Debra Gibson, passed those on to me. They have taught me that anything is possible. I am a better person, mom, friend, and CPA because of these women.
Read about the other 40 Under 40 Honorees for 2017.
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