Roger CPA Review, a professional education company specializing in CPA Exam preparation, has launched the Accounting Classroom Trainer (ACT) platform. ACT is a free online platform for accounting educators to integrate high-quality CPA Exam materials into existing curriculum.
Research indicates that while the volume of accounting graduates has reached a record high, the number of new candidates and exam sections taken annually remains flat. The ACT platform is designed to provide accounting students early exposure to the CPA Exam to ultimately strengthen the flattened pipeline.
“This presents an incredible opportunity for accounting professors across the country to not only make a difference in their students’ futures, but aid in the profession as well,” said Charlotte Roberts, Senior Vice President of e-Learning. “Many accounting graduates are apprehensive about attempting the CPA designation because they’re either afraid of the demanding investment or don’t understand the connection between courses and CPA licensure—ACT helps alleviates these roadblocks.”
The ACT platform complements the accounting educator’s existing curriculum and aligns with the concepts taught in the classroom, with features including:
- A catalogue of engaging video lectures on the most difficult accounting topics
- Easy-to-build quizzes using a bank of CPA Exam multiple choice questions and simulations
- A user-experience that simulates the exam
- Robust analytic reports that gauge individual student performance and overall group performance trends
During the beta launch, ACT experienced 100% adoption rate with piloted professors nationwide.
“Especially in today’s professional landscape, accounting educators understand the importance of early exposure to the CPA Exam. Because of this, we have experienced significant demand for this product from educators nationwide,” continued Roberts.
Roger CPA Review will be demonstrating the new ACT product at the American Accounting Association (AAA) National Conference in San Diego, CA next week (August 6 – 8).
To ACTivate your classroom for this Fall visit:
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