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May 15, 2017

CPE Webinars for Tax and Accounting Pros Offered by National Society of Accountants

The National Society of Accountants (NSA) has announced the latest courses in its series of ConnectED Webinars, which are approved for continuing professional education (CPE) by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), National Association of State ...

The National Society of Accountants (NSA) has announced the latest courses in its series of ConnectED Webinars, which are approved for continuing professional education (CPE) by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA), Accreditation Council for Accountancy and Taxation (ACAT) and California Tax Education Council (CTEC).

The following webinars for tax and accounting professionals are scheduled to be held in May-July 2017:

May 16, 2017
Nuts and Bolts of an IRS Audit
Considers the various types of audits, the players involved in an audit, and the various stages of an audit. It will also cover ways clients and advisors can prepare for an audit and resolve an audit with potential criminal issues.
May 18, 2017
Partnership Dispositions – IRC 751
Looks at how to identify IRC 751 issues and how to properly record any gains or losses from the disposition of the partnership interest.
May 23, 2017
Social Security Rules and Planning Tips
Provides an overview of the current Social Security system, explains strategies for maximizing benefits and provides guidance on helping clients reduce the taxability of Social Security retirement benefits.
May 24, 2017
EA Exam Prep Part 1: Individuals
Reviews ten topics that are often tested on Part 1 – Individuals of the Enrolled Agents Exam. Part of NSA’s EA Exam Review webinar series to help preparers pass the EA exam the first time.
May 25, 2017
2017 Representation Update
Examines the methods the IRS is using in its new enforcement environment following budget cuts.
June 6, 2017
Basis Issues for Estates
Covers probating wills, identifying heirs, and inventorying and distributing estate assets. Also provides an understanding how to value estate assets and provide the basis to be used by beneficiaries
June 7, 2017
Your Bankruptcy Questions Answered
Enhances understanding of what pushes a person towards bankruptcy and how this can affect their tax returns and the money they owe to the IRS.
June 8, 2017
EA Exam Prep Part 2: Businesses Part 1
The first of two 3-hour webinars in the EA Exam webinar series that reviews topics that are often tested on Part 2 – Businesses of the Enrolled Agents Exam.
June 14, 2017
EA Exam Prep Part 2: Businesses Part 2
The second of two 3-hour webinars in the EA Exam webinar series that reviews topics that are often tested on Part 2 – Businesses of the Enrolled Agents Exam.
June 21, 2017
Penalty Games: Reducing IRS Penalties
Reviews how quality representation by experienced tax practitioners can abate tax penalties against taxpayers.
June 28, 2017
EA Exam Prep Part 3: Representation, Practice and Procedures
Covers topics that are often tested on Part 3 – Representation, Practice and Procedures of the Enrolled Agents Exam. The final webinar of the EA Exam webinar series.
June 29, 2017
Death and Taxes: Estate Planning Fundamentals
Covers the basics of estate planning, including an overview on wills, trusts, and powers of attorney, advanced estate planning techniques, and tax implications involving trusts and estates, including a review of the estate tax, gift tax, and generation skipping tax.
July 18, 2017
Analyzing 990s and Expanding Not-for-Profit Practice
Discusses the different reporting requirements of Form 990 and its related schedules, including how to use a company’s 990 when trying to retain them as a new client. Also looks at common mistakes practitioners make when preparing Form 990 and ways to increase realization on preparing these returns.
July 19, 2017
Wading Through Murky Waters: How to Successfully Represent Your Client in Collection Matters
Covers the foundations of tax collections, the tools the IRS has to collect outstanding tax liabilities, the options available to the taxpayer to resolve a collection case, and the procedures for reaching a resolution. Concepts include tax liens and levies, collection due process hearing, installment agreements and offers in compromise.
July 20, 2017
Solving Financial Challenges for Retirees
Identifies and provides solutions for risk factors that can hinder a successful retirement, identifies sources of cash flow to be used in retirement, and provides guidance to help clients reach their retirement goals.
NSA ConnectED webinars start at 2:00 pm Eastern Time – check each course for details on pricing and CPE information. Order four or more live or archived webinars in one order and receive a 20 percent discount.

A complete list of webinars can be found at https://nsawebinars.nsacct.org, including a lineup of recorded on-demand CPE webinars. More information is also available by calling NSA at 800-966-6679.


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