The Indiana CPA Society has been recognized as one of the top companies in the Indiana Chamber of Commerce’s 2017 Best Places to Work in Indiana. Employers who were recognized with the award represented more than 25 industries and 20 cities throughout the state.
Also in the rankings were mAccounting, Kemper CPA Group, Katz Sapper & Miller and Sikich LLP.
INCPAS ranked seventh out of the 46 small companies named to the list in the “small companies’ category” (15-74 U.S. employees). INCPAS Senior Vice President and COO Jennifer Briggs, CAE, accepted the award on the Society’s behalf.
“We are so pleased to be recognized for the sixth consecutive year,” said Briggs. “The Society staff works so hard on behalf of our members and has a fun time doing it. Our CEO and the whole team come to work every day with a commitment to be compassionate, competent, innovative and uphold the integrity of the Society.”
INCPAS incorporates benefits such as jeans year-round, cookoff competitions, flexible scheduling, telecommuting, alternating half-day Fridays in the summers, raffles for PTO time, a bank of donated sick days for family emergencies and maternity leave, destination learning and post-secondary education reimbursement.
INCPAS’ retention efforts are paying off. Of the 20 staff members, 10 are millennials (born 1980 to 2000) – six of whom have already been with INCPAS five years or longer. Seven staff members have been with INCPAS over 10 years, two over 15, and two over 25.
“We don’t always get it right, but we try to listen and change things in ways that make this a fun and meaningful place to work,” said Briggs.
The awards program was created in 2006 and is a project of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce, BizVoice® magazine, Inside INdiana Business, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) – IN State Council, the Indiana Economic Development Corporation and Best Companies Group.
The top companies in the state are determined through employer reports and comprehensive employee surveys. The Best Companies Group, which handled the selection process, oversees similar programs in 21 other states.
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