Tax Search Google 58a75bcd3ab93

February 17, 2017

The Most Googled Tax Searches for Every State

Even tax professionals know how confusing taxes can be. For individual taxpayers, it can be like performing a root canal without any dental experience. For those with tax obligations in multiples states, or with more complex incomes and investments ...

Even tax professionals know how confusing taxes can be. For individual taxpayers, it can be like performing a root canal without any dental experience. For those with tax obligations in multiples states, or with more complex incomes and investments, it can be even more challenging.

Still, millions of Americans do their own taxes each year, and many of them hit roadblocks. Where do they turn first? Google, of course.

With all the weird and complicated federal and state tax laws out there, cloud communication company GetVoip decided to examine what taxpayers were searching for, and if their questions varied by region. To find out, they turned to the search experts at SEMrush to determine the most searched tax phrases. In addition to the most searched phrases, they took into account unique tax laws in each state that people were likely to inquire about.

Once we compiled our list of tax questions and queries, we ran them through Google Trends to figure out which state searched these phrases more than any other state. Note that the phrases highlighted below are listed exactly as people search them (e.g. self employed). Results were unique, surprising, and sometimes even comical — and they shed light on all the things we pay taxes on that we may not even think about!



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Tags: Income Tax, IRS, Taxes

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