
February 26, 2015

Chart Shows When Taxpayers Can Expect Income Tax Refunds

Waiting on an income tax refund from the IRS? This chart shows estimated refund arrival dates, based on when the taxpayer submits their forms electronically or on paper.

Are you or your clients waiting on an income tax refund from the IRS? The chart below shows estimated refund arrival dates, based on when the taxpayer submits their forms electronically or on paper.

The IRS won’t start processing income tax returns until January 20, they announced at end of the year. This allows the agency time to update their own software to match changes to tax law made by Congress.

After that date, any taxpayers who have filed (either by themselves or with the help of a professional) can also go to the Internal Revenue Service’s website, which has a tool designed specifically for that called, “Where’s My Refund?” There’s also an app for that! Apple and Android users can download the IRS2GO app for free.

IRS accepts your return (by 11:00 am) between… Estimated Direct
Deposit Sent

Estimated Paper
Check Mailed

The full chart, which includes later filing dates, is available at


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Tags: Income Tax, IRS

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