Following last week’s passage of Keystone pipeline construction by the new Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives, a business group is urging the new Senate to do the same.
“NFIB members say affordable energy is one of the biggest challenges facing their small businesses. The Keystone XL legislation is a big step toward energy independence, and that’s going to help small businesses all across the country,” said Jerrod Shouse, the Oklahoma state director of the National Federation of Independent Business, in a statsement in response to House passage of H.R. 3, the Keystone XL Pipeline Act.
“According to NFIB’s Small Business Problems and Priorities, the cost of natural gas, propane, gasoline, diesel, or fuel oil ranked as the third-most important priority among NFIB’s members,” he added. “The Keystone XL project is going to help address those concerns by reducing uncertainty and providing a reliably steady supply of affordable energy.
“On top of that, the Keystone XL project is going to mean jobs–not just along the pipeline route but everywhere in the country, because lower energy costs will leave more money for businesses to grow and create jobs. The NFIB is urging the Senate to support small business by passing similar Keystone legislation, and we’re urging the president to sign it into law.”
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