October 28, 2014

IRS Offers Spanish Language Info and Videos on Affordable Care Act

The Internal Revenue Service has released several options for Spanish speakers to get information about the tax provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Two recently issued YouTube videos feature IRS Commissioner John Koskinen: Disposición de La ...

Isaac M. O'Bannon

The Internal Revenue Service has released several options for Spanish speakers to get information about the tax provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Two recently issued YouTube videos feature IRS Commissioner John Koskinen: Disposición de La Responsabilidad Compartida (Individual Shared Responsibility Provision) and Crédito Tributario de Prima – Cambios en las Circunstancias  (Premium Tax Credit – Changes in Circumstances).

The IRS.gov has information about the Affordable Care Act tax provisions in both English and Spanish to inform and educate the public on how the health care law may affect them. The main Spanish pages include:

These pages provide information about tax provisions that are now in effect and those that will go into effect in 2015 and beyond. The IRS has also developed a number of publications in Spanish currently available online.

By making its products available in Spanish, the IRS is providing relevant information about the law and its provisions, legal guidance, the latest news, frequently asked questions and links to additional resources to a significant portion of taxpayers with limited English proficiency. As many as 1 in 4 uninsured individuals who are eligible for coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace nationwide are Hispanic.

In addition to the Commissioner’s messages, the agency has several other videos and audio files in Spanish on the health care law and a variety of other relevant and useful tax topics.

Spanish speaking taxpayers may also wish to follow and retweet @IRSenEspanol on Twitter.

Taxpayers can also subscribe to receive brief tips in Spanish on a variety of tax issues by email, or visit the IRS Spanish Newsroom for the most up-to-date information from the agency.

For information in Spanish about the health care provisions of the Affordable Care Act, visit CuidadoDeSalud.gov. For more information about a variety of IRS resources in Spanish on the Affordable Care Act and more visit the IRS website, IRS.gov.

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