
October 10, 2014

2014 Review of Spokane Computer – MAG-FILER

MAG-FILER is a year-end tax compliance solution used to process W-2 and 1099 forms through paper and electronic filing. The software solution is an all-inclusive design without multiple modules to purchase or consider. Basic System Functions – 4.5 Stars MAG-FILER installs as a local machine program or on a network with multiple users. During the... Read more »

Steven M. Phelan

MAG-FILER is a year-end tax compliance solution used to process W-2 and 1099 forms through paper and electronic filing. The software solution is an all-inclusive design without multiple modules to purchase or consider.

Basic System Functions – 4.5 Stars

MAG-FILER installs as a local machine program or on a network with multiple users. During the initial setup, users have the option to activate a security system that requires a password to gain access to program and data files.

The MAG-FILER program interface focuses on three easy steps: entering company/payer information, entering recipient information and setting up the electronic filing. MAG-FILER includes a TIN matching option to help identify potential mismatched payee information.

Reporting – 4.5 Stars

MAG-FILER supports all W-2 and 1099 filing types as well as many state forms. Most forms are available for electronic filing and users simply fill out an information window to setup the current file for electronic submission. MAG-FILER allows processing of files either individually or in batches. Once the files are ready for submission, MAG-FILER links directly to the IRS and Social Security Administration upload sites.

MAG-FILER allows printing of all forms and reports to preprinted forms, plain paper or PDF files. MAG-FILER has created its own PDF printer for reports and forms and for yearly backup copies. Additional security exists on printed forms that truncates recipient SSN’s. W-2 and 1099 recipients may also receive their forms via email directly from within the MAG-FILER system.

Integration/Import/Export – 4.25 Stars

MAG-FILER provides a utility to import data from CSV files. The same utility provides data export to a CSV file for direct import into an accounting system. A separate utility allows prior year data or data entered throughout the year to transfer into the current year-end reporting period.

MAG-FILER also allows direct imports from text files, QuickBooks print files and Microsoft Excel. Unique to MAG-FILER is the ability to access the file inside of Microsoft Access to run customer generated queries and reports.

Help/Support – 4.5 Stars

Upon installation of MAG-FILER, users are welcomed with a getting started guide that provides information on the current year release and steps for setting up electronic filing. The getting started guide also provides links to check for updates as well as a printable user manual.

Telephone and email assistance is included in the licensing fees. Direct links to a variety of online tutorial and help guides is available through the help menu. Additionally, a full FAQ page and user manual is available on the company website.

Best Firm Fit

Accounting professionals looking for a solution to handle a large volume of year-end compliance filings


  • All-inclusive software design; no separate modules
  • Strong security options
  • Recipients may receive forms via email from within the system

Potential Limitations

  • No direct QuickBooks integration, only through QuickBooks PRN files

Summary & System Pricing

MAG-FILER is a complete package that contains all required functions to complete year-end filing requirements. A number of import, print and electronic filing options are available through the MAG-FILER system. Current pricing for MAG-FILER is $324 as a download only file direct form the company website. To receive a mailed disc-based version, the price increases to $364.

2014 Overall Rating: 4.5 Stars



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Steven M. Phelan


Steven M. Phelan, CPA.CITP manages an accounting practice based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Areas of practice include taxation, general accounting and technology consulting. He is active within the CPA profession and is a frequent speaker at seminars and conferences throughout Oklahoma. Steven was recently added as a discussion leader for K2 Enterprises where he speaks to CPAs throughout the nation covering a variety of technology topics. Steven is currently a contributing author to the CPA Practice Advisor, where he reviews tax and accounting software solutions. Most recently, Steven was selected as a 2012 Oklahoma Society of CPAs Trailblazer recipient, which recognizes service to the CPA profession and to the community.