Right Networks and Track1099 have partnered to offer QuickBooks clients a paper-free and low-cost option for convenient e-filing and e-delivery of 1099-MISC forms this coming tax season.
“Track1099’s unique integration with all implementations of QuickBooks enables fast and accurate IRS 1099-MISC e-filing at a fraction of the cost over existing methods,” said Sharon Lindsey West, CEO of Track1099.
“Right Networks is the leading provider of hosted applications for small business accounting firms,” stated John Farrer, COO and CIO of Right Networks. “We are always happy to work with applications like Track1099 that enable our clients to work even more efficiently in our environment.”
Using Intuit’s secure interface, tax professionals can select which companies to e-file and, with one click, import complete vendor information to Track1099, including box amounts and emails. One more click and the forms are e-filed and e-delivered at a fraction of the cost of paper.
As essential tools for a collaborative, paper-free back office, Right Networks and Track1099 offer an easy, integrated 1099-MISC solution for tax professionals and QuickBooks clients.
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