The total number of jobs in the U.S. private sector increased by 213,000 from August to September, according to the latest ADP National Employment Report. The report, which is derived from ADP’s actual payroll data, measures the change in total nonfarm private employment each month on a seasonally-adjusted basis and is produced in collaboration with Moody’s Analytics.
“September’s jobs added number marks the sixth straight month of employment gains above 200,000,” said Carlos Rodriguez, president and chief executive officer of ADP. “It’s a positive sign for the economy to see the 200,000-plus trend continue.”
September 2014 Report Highlights
View the ADP National Employment Report Infographic at
Total U.S. Nonfarm Private Employment: 213,000
- By Company Size
- Small businesses: 88,000
o 1-19 employees 48,000
o 20-49 employees 39,000
- Medium businesses: 48,000
- 50-499 employees 48,000
- Large businesses: 77,000
- 500-999 employees 5,000
- 1,000+ employees 73,000
- By Sector
- Goods-producing 58,000
- Service-providing 155,000
- Industry Snapshot
- Construction 20,000
- Manufacturing 35,000
- Trade/transportation/utilities 38,000
- Financial activities 5,000
- Professional/business services 29,000
Goods-producing employment rose by 58,000 jobs in September, up from 42,000 jobs gained in August. The construction industry added 20,000 jobs over the month, below last month’s gain of 23,000. Meanwhile, manufacturing added 35,000 jobs in September, the highest total in that sector since May 2010.
Service-providing employment rose by 155,000 jobs in September, down from 160,000 in August. The ADP National Employment Report indicates that professional/business services contributed 29,000 jobs in August, down from 37,000 in August. Expansion in trade/transportation/utilities grew by 38,000, up from August’s 30,000. The 5,000 new jobs added in financial activities was down slightly from last month’s number.
Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s Analytics, said, “Job gains remain strong and steady. The pace of job growth has been remarkably similar for the past several years. Especially encouraging most recently is the increasingly broad base nature of those gains. Nearly all industries and companies of all sizes are adding consistently to payrolls.”
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