Angie Grissom – 37
The Rainmaker Companies
Nashville, TN
What are the key areas of your firm that have seen the greatest change/challenge in workflow over the past few years? (Or, what are the key challenges you see firms facing?)
The biggest challenge I see firms facing is the trend towards having a virtual workforce. Talent is harder to come by than in many past years and the firms who master this will have far more opportunity and less limitations than others.
To what extent have you and your practice/company embraced cloud computing?
We are on board. We have moved to this. We started with our CRM system and went from there.
In what ways have you contributed to your firm/company to make it a better place?
I have worked with The Rainmaker Companies since my early twenties. My passion lies in growing and improving businesses. I have contributed to the growth of TRC through improved and new service lines, curriculum and tools, developing people, building infrastructure and focusing on getting results for clients. I like to think big and I think we owe it to our clients to try new things so that we can be the best consultants to our clients and show them that we were not afraid to do it, so they should do it also. I always say-Don’t let yourself get discouraged, do the right things and work hard and you will eventually see the results of your efforts.
In what ways do you participate in either the professional community or your local community to help others?
I enjoy speaking to my alma mater, local AFWA chapter, local schools and even my client’s firm’s about my experiences and what I see in the industry. I believe that people should want to help other people. Whether I am speaking to Managing Partners, young professionals or students, I try to share what I think is the best advice for where they are in their careers and lives. I love nothing more.
What major changes do you foresee in the accounting profession of the near future (3-5 years)?
I think the model of the cpa firm will move more towards a corporate model due to expertise in niches, successful management of the firms and staffing shortages. This will mean that more non-accountants will join the firms in various roles. I am already seeing this and it is exciting for everyone involved.
How do you see yourself participating in shaping the future of the accounting profession?
I love to learn and then turn around and teach others. I started in my career as a young, ambitious executive and have given the opportunity to be creative and shape my career. At the same time, I have had the privilege of helping leaders grow their firms. While my clients have mostly been managing partners and partners of firms, I continue to relate to the up and coming leaders who have a desire to grow and develop and make a difference. I want to help leaders lead. I want them to turn around and help others lead after that. That is how we will shape the future.
What is your career philosophy?
Work hard. Treat people right and help them succeed. Laugh-a lot. Don’t limit yourself. Use your natural talents to contribute your all to what you are doing.
Not including your current employer, what company do you most admire and why?
Southwest Airlines- I travel a lot and I see how widespread their cultural expectations and practices reach. They are consistent, have high standards and are not a bunch of duds. That is a technical term. They are a fun crew.
Describe one person who has been an important mentor to you and how that person helped change your life.
Blaine Lee, who was one of the original founders of the Covey Leadership Center, was a big influencer for me. I met him at one of our conferences early in my career. He pulled me aside and drew a diagram for me on a piece of paper and told me that I he saw me as being an influencer of people in my career. He encouraged me to read everything I could get my hands on, get as much experience as I could and work really hard. I still have the sheet of paper. He kept in touch with me once in awhile until he passed away in 2009. Great man. I hope to encourage people in my career like that.
Great quote from Blaine:
“Any change, any loss, does not make us victims. Others can shake you, surprise you, disappoint you, but they can’t prevent you from acting, from taking the situation you’re presented with and moving on. No matter where you are in life, no matter what your situation, you can always do something. You always have a choice and the choice can be power.”
― Blaine Lee
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