Online data security is always a concern for businesses large and small, and accounting firms should be especially cautious since they frequently manage the most sensitive client information. A new email encryption tool is now available to help these professionals keep that data safer.
Data and internet security developer IronBox has launched its new email encryption technology for law firms and accounting firms, called IronBox for Microsoft Outlook. The company is based in Redmond, Washington.
Facing potentially significant fines, class-action lawsuits, NSA snooping, embarrassing corporate data breach disclosures and increased regulation, secure email communication has never been more important. Tools to protect (encrypt) email communications have historically been quite difficult to use for both sender and recipient, were cost prohibitive and required significant ongoing maintenance.
“If you can send an email, you can use IronBox,” says Kevin Lam, IronBox co-founder and CTO. “We understand that lawyers and accountants are under a lot of pressure to deliver a lot of confidential information to clients. To give them an idea of how easy it is to use, we’re offering a free trial of the software so that they can quickly see the benefit of having this as part of their daily workflow. IronBox products are currently used by many Fortune 500 companies as well as mid-sized businesses, and we know the legal and accounting firms will appreciate the protection that they provide.”
The IronBox Outlook plugin is designed so that users with no encryption experience or skills can easily apply sophisticated security to their emails and attachments. To send an encrypted email, compose the email message as usual, including any attachments. When it is ready to send, simply click on the IronBox button, and it automatically encrypts the message.
Tim Riley, co-founder and CEO, states, “We ensured that the process of sending secure email and secure files is simple for both the sender and the recipient. Users have historically found professional email encryption and secure file transfer to be a complex, time-consuming and downright painful process for both the sender and the recipient. IronBox is specifically designed to make the process as simple as possible so that virtually anyone can benefit from the protection of encryption.”
IronBox for Microsoft Outlook also adds another security feature to limit exposure to unintended data breach. Riley continues, “Our existing clients are also very concerned about confidential data being inadvertently included in outgoing messages in an unsecure manner. To help prevent this type of data breach, IronBox uses our proprietary technology, named IronSight, to automatically scan all outgoing Outlook messages and attachments for known sensitive data and alerts the sender before the message is sent.”
A free version of IronBox can be downloaded by visiting The free version allows users to send unlimited encrypted messages for 30 days for free. The free version also includes ongoing unlimited IronSight email scanning for email messages for most popular document types. A paid version is available for $9.99 per month, which offers unlimited email encryption and IronSight email scanning for email messages for most popular document types.
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Tags: Firm Management, Security