November 13, 2013

AICPA Awards 10 Scholarships – John L. Carey Awards

$50,000 in Total Scholarships Help Students with Liberal Arts and Other Non-Traditional Business Backgrounds Pursue Graduate Accounting Degrees

New York – November 13, 201) – The American Institute of CPAs today announced the ten recipients of the 2013-2014 AICPA John L. Carey Scholarship. The one-year $5,000 scholarship is awarded to students from liberal arts and other non-traditional business backgrounds, who are pursuing graduate accounting degrees and aim to become CPAs.

The 2013-2014 recipients are:

  • Heather Creech, UNC Chapel Hill
  • Brian Doud, Wake Forest University
  • Daniel Hirsty, University of Texas – Austin
  • Betsy Jacobson, Northeastern University
  • Angela Janda, University of New Mexico
  • Michael Lauridsen, DePaul University
  • Josh Lewer, Georgia Regents University
  • Shane Maldonado, Mills College
  • Nicole Wolfe, University of Southern California
  • Jessica Woo, University of Southern California

Each recipient has received $5,000 to cover tuition and other educational expenses. The funding is provided by an endowment of the AICPA Foundation in honor of John L. Carey.

Carey retired from the AICPA in 1969 after a 40-year career with the Institute, where he served as administrative vice president, executive director and editor and publisher of the Journal of Accountancy. Carey prioritized encouraging exceptional students from all backgrounds to become CPAs throughout his career as a CPA and as a professor at universities in Georgia and Illinois.

“The AICPA understands that one of the things that makes the accounting profession a popular choice among students is the multitude of career options it affords,” said AICPA Foundation President and former AICPA Chairman Randy Fletchall. “These students’ backgrounds in liberal arts and other non-financial areas will give them a unique perspective that will serve them well throughout their careers as CPAs.”

Recipients of the John L. Carey Scholarship were selected by a task force that considered applications, academic transcripts, recommendation letters and personal essays.  Applicants are chosen based on academic achievement, leadership and commitment to pursuing a CPA license.  Additionally, applicants must be full-time graduate level students for the upcoming academic year. 

The ten John L. Carey Scholarship recipients will become part of the AICPA Legacy Scholars program, which was established in 2011. The AICPA Legacy Scholars program awards recipients with a one-year AICPA scholarship and continues to offer benefits beyond their academic careers through the AICPA Legacy Scholars Alumni. Scholarship recipients perform eight hours of community service per semester. The service activity must relate to accounting, serve the community and be meaningful to the student.

AICPA Legacy Scholars are Student Affiliate Members of the AICPA, which is a free membership option available to all students who are enrolled in school. Each AICPA Legacy Scholar receives a coach who provides guidance on the student’s service project and serves as an advisor for questions related to the profession and the work environment.

The application deadline for the 2014-2015 AICPA John L. Carey Scholarship program is April 1, 2014. More information about AICPA scholarship programs is at

Since its establishment in 1922, the vision of the AICPA Foundation has been to advance the science of accountancy and accounting education. Guided by a core ideology and principles, the Foundation is committed to supporting and growing the next generation of CPAs through three primary focuses.

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Tags: Accounting, AICPA

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