November 10, 2013

Illinois CPAs Offer Free Tax Preparation to Actibve Duty Military

Illinois CPA Society members volunteer to help active duty military members and their families with free federal and state income tax preparation.

With Veteran’s Day on Americans' mind, the Illinois CPA Society, in partnership with the Internal Revenue Service, will once again offer free federal and state income tax preparation performed by Society member volunteers to active military members who have recently returned from or are still serving in a combat zone or qualified hazardous duty area. The Military Service Tax Preparation is a year-round program available to deployed members of the Armed Forces and their families.

Volunteer CPAs are dedicated to helping military families take advantage of the unique tax benefits, exclusions and filing extensions available to them. Illinois CPA Society volunteers have helped hundreds of military personnel since the program began by making the stressful task of tax preparation easier and alleviating an often hectic and time-consuming task for families. 

The Military Service Tax Preparation Project is designed to help those who don’t have a relationship with a CPA and who would otherwise have few resources for financial advice and information on IRS guidelines for military personnel. To qualify for free tax preparation assistance, individuals must meet the following criteria: 

• Be an Illinois resident
• Be a member of the U.S. Armed Forces having served in a combat zone or qualified hazardous duty area within the 2013 tax calendar year 
• Be a member of the U.S. Armed Forces serving in a contingency operation 

Family members—spouse, son, daughter or parents—can request assistance on behalf of military personnel. For more information about the Military Service Tax Preparation Project or to arrange for assistance from a volunteer CPA, visit the Illinois CPA Society’s website, or contact Jill Loeser, Government Relations Manager, at 800.572.9870 or via e-mail at


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Tags: Income Taxes

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