
October 31, 2013

2013 Review of AccountantsWorld After-the-Fact Payroll

AccountantsWorld provides web-based solutions for accounting, bookkeeping, live and after-the-fact payroll, document management, website building, practice management and financial planning utilities. AccountantsWorld’s payroll software includes W-2 and 1099 preparation and year-end compliance features. This review looks at their After-the-Fact Payroll offering. Basic System Functions – 4.75 Stars After-the-Fact Payroll is a comprehensive cloud-based solution, providing... Read more »

AccountantsWorld provides web-based solutions for accounting, bookkeeping, live and after-the-fact payroll, document management, website building, practice management and financial planning utilities. AccountantsWorld’s payroll software includes W-2 and 1099 preparation and year-end compliance features. This review looks at their After-the-Fact Payroll offering.

Basic System Functions – 4.75 Stars

After-the-Fact Payroll is a comprehensive cloud-based solution, providing anywhere, anytime access to client data. The program supports unlimited users and offers several customization options including the home screen and user access and controls. Users can enter payrolls by pay period, consolidate multiple payrolls or import data from Excel.

The solution automatically calculates FICA and net pay and supports standard and customizable deductions. After-the-Fact Payroll checks social security numbers against the SSA’s system and flags invalid SSNs.

Reporting – 4.75 Stars

After-the-Fact Payroll supports forms 940, 941, 943, 944, W-2, W-3, 1099-MISC, 1099-I, 1099-R, 1099-S, 1096, 1098, and 945 and all forms can be filed electronically. Users can also choose to view and save forms in PDF format, either locally or to CyberCabiniet. The solution keeps track of the last federal and state filings, e-file rejections and an individual dashboard for each client.

Users can generate various reports, including payroll reports, summaries and employee lists. They also have access to customizable client communication templates. The solution integrates with Practice Relief to offer client invoicing capabilities.

Import Capabilities – 4.75 Stars
After-the-Fact Payroll completely integrates with other AccountantsWorld solutions, including Accounting Relief, Payroll Relief and CyberCabinet. Users can import data in Excel, CSV and XML formats and export to plain text, Excel, Word and PDF formats. Paycheck summaries and clients can be transferred from Accounting Relief seamlessly. Forms and reports can also be archived in CyberCabinet.

Help/Support – 4.75 Stars
Users of After-the-Fact Payroll have access to free live telephone and web support, which also includes live chat. Phone support is available Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time. In addition, the website includes online help topics and a Frequently Asked Questions section. The solution is cloud-based so users never have to install updates to access the latest version.

Summary & Pricing

After-the-Fact Payroll is a complete after-the-fact payroll solution that also allows users to e-file. Pricing for the solution starts at $395 per year, for unlimited use within an accounting firm up to 75 clients and $4 for each additional client.

Best Fit: Accounting firms that need to manage year-end compliance and after-the-fact payroll for multiple clients.


  • Web-based remote access
  • Multi-client views and dashboards
  • Integration with AccountantsWorld suite

Potential Limitations:

  • Doesn’t have built-in invoicing capabilities

AccountantsWorld provides web-based solutions for accounting, bookkeeping, live and after-the-fact payroll, document management, website building, practice management and financial planning utilities. AccountantsWorld’s payroll software includes W-2 and 1099 preparation and year-end compliance features. This review looks at their After-the-Fact Payroll offering.

2013 Overall Rating: 4.75 Stars



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