The winners and finalists for the 10th annual Tax & Accounting Technology Innovation Awards will be announced on Monday, June 3, 2013, by CPA Practice Advisor during a reception and ceremony at the California Accounting and Business Show & Conference in Los Angeles.
The awards will be live-tweeted for the fourth year, with the hashtag #2013_CPAAwards, and the winners and finalists will also be announced on CPA Practice Advisor’s website on Monday.
CPA Practice Advisor is a national print and digital media outlet, providing practice resources, technology reviews, interactive tools and additional content geared toward helping professionals achieve greater productivity.
The Innovation Awards were first presented in 2004, and serve to honor new or recently enhanced technologies that benefit tax and accounting professionals and their clients through improved workflow, increased accessibility, enhanced collaboration or other means.
Award winners are selected by CPA Practice Advisor’s editorial board and awards committee, which include thought leaders and professionals from across the country. The publication, along with its digital content and interactive media, is the leading independent source of practice management resources and technology information for tax and accounting professionals in public practice.
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