SAN JOSE, Calif. — Cloud financial management and accounting software developer Intacct has been included on the AlwaysOn OnDemand 100 Top Private Companies list. This is the fourth year Intacct has received the honor.
Winners were chosen from among hundreds of technology companies nominated by investors, bankers, journalists, and industry insiders. Intacct will be formally honored by AlwaysOn at the OnDemand 2013 event on May 20 in Palo Alto, California.
The OnDemand 100 represents a list of the top high-growth emerging and mature cloud-focused companies. Selection of the winners was based on five criteria: innovation, market potential, commercialization, stakeholder value, and media buzz.
In recognizing the Top 100 winners, AlwaysOn noted: “These top venture capital-backed on-demand and SaaS companies are taking advantage of an increasingly stable and reliable cloud infrastructure to develop, maintain, and deploy a continuous stream of disruptive technology to every single computer user on the planet. The technology platforms and services represented in this year’s list are feeding a burgeoning data macrosphere, propelling the entire computing paradigm into an interdependent, connected, and mobile future.”
“It is truly an honor to once again make the AlwaysOn OnDemand 100 list, as we are surrounded by a who’s who of other high-growth companies,” said Robert Reid, CEO of Intacct.
“Cloud computing delivers outstanding results for customers by delivering rapid innovation and improved economic value. While Intacct continues to ride the wave of cloud momentum to record results, even more exciting is seeing the success our customers are having using Intacct cloud financial applications to transform their business and accelerate their growth.”
A full list of the AlwaysOn OnDemand 100 Top Private Companies winners can be viewed at
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