
November 26, 2012

Illinois CPA Society Helps Troops File Taxes with Free Tax-Prep Program

The Illinois CPA Society and the Internal Revenue Service have partnered together to offer free federal and state income tax preparation for active duty military members and their families.

Taija Sparkman

The Illinois CPA Society and the Internal Revenue Service have partnered together to offer the Military Service Tax Preparation Project. Through the free program, member volunteers will prepare federal and state income tax forms for active duty military members and their families.

The program is offered year-round to member of the Armed Forces who recently returned home or are still serving in a combat zone or qualified hazardous duty area. ICPAS volunteers help military families who do not have a CPA take advantage of the tax benefits, exclusion and filing extensions that are available to them.

To qualify for the free tax preparation program, individuals must:

  • Be an Illinois resident;
  • Be a member of the U.S. Armed Forces having served in a combat zone or qualified hazardous duty area within the 2012 tax calendar year;
  • Be a member of the U.S. Armed Forces serving in a contingency operation.

The Military Service Tax Preparation Project also allows for spouses, children and parents to request assistance on behalf of military personnel.

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Taija Sparkman

Assistant Editor

Taija Sparkman is an assistant editor for CPA Practice Advisor.