K2 Enterprises recently announced the winners of its 11th Annual K2 Enterprises Quality Awards, which recognize cloud, mobile and technology solutions exemplifying excellence within the tax and accounting profession. K2 Enterprises provides continuing education services to accounting professionals and marketing consulting services to technology providers in the accounting profession.
For the first time in the history of the awards, cloud and mobile technologies were added as a category.
“We want to acknowledge the leadership in Cloud and Mobile solutions, so we expanded the awards to recognize this growing arena of technology,” said Val Steed, CPA.CITP, MA, CEO of K2 Enterprises.
This year’s winners were selected by a voting poll of the K2 Enterprises instructor team. The team voted on winners based on the end-user feedback received, as well as their experience teaching and consulting. The K2 Enterprises polling team consisted of the following instructors: Steed; Randy Johnston, MCS; Will Fleenor, CPA, Ph.D; Brian Tankersley, CPA.CITP; Tommy Stephens Jr., CPA.CITP; and Bob Spencer, Ph.D.
“Anyone who can win over our team members really deserves the recognition,” said Tankersley, Director of Strategic Relationships for K2 Enterprises and CPA Practice Advisor Technical Editor.
The complete list of this year’s winners:
- Best Overall Mobile Strategy: Sage Software
- Best New Mobile App: Xero Touch by Xero Online Accounting
- Reseller Program: Open Systems
- CPA Program: Intuit Pro Advisor by Intuit, Inc.
- Reseller Channel: Open Systems
- New Product: Beyond415 by New River Innovation
- New Module: CYMA’s HR Module
- Management Strategy: Doc.It
- Technical Support: Concur
- Customer Satisfaction: SurePrep
- Ease of Use: Bill.com
- Marketing Communications: FreshBooks Cloud Accounting
- Overall Quality:– Avalara
- Tax Technology: SP Binder by SurePrep
- Audit Technology: ProSystem fx Knowledge Coach by CCH, a Wolters Kluwer Business
- Business Intelligence Solution: Biznet
- Workflow Solution: XCM Workflow Solutions by XCM, Inc.
- Small Business Accounting Solution: Xero Online Accounting
- Small CPA Firm Solution: Office Tools Professional
- Entry-Level Accounting Upgrade Solution: Open Systems
- Top Hosting Provider: Cloud9 Real Time
- Social Media: Kasey Bayne of FreshBooks Cloud Accounting
- Cloud Power Solution: Concur Small Business Edition
- Cloud Ease of Use: Dropbox
- Cloud Top Shelf Award: Beyond415 by New River Innovation
- Cloud New Product: ValueAppeal
- Cloud Portal: ShareFile by Citrix
“It’s truly an honor to be recognized by K2 Enterprises and hear the same accolades we receive from our Knowledge Coach customers and other industry experts,” said Mike Ritchie, CCH Director of Product Management. “We really have a game-changer here,” added Ritchie. “It’s exciting to talk to customers that are achieving their goals of higher audit quality and efficiency, especially as they move into their second year with the product.”
“We are honored to win both of these awards,” said Jim Buttonow, CPA, co-founder of New River Innovation. “Beyond415 was designed to be a practical tool for the industry. It’s great affirmation to see industry leaders recognize the product’s usefulness and value.”Buttonow is an IRS practice and procedure expert and blogger for CPA Practice Advisor’s “IRS Inside” blog.
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