August 7, 2012

Portals vs. Secure Emails, Which is Right for Your Firm?

Free CPE webcast, Aug. 8, 2pm EDT.

Portals work great for some firms and clients, but some firms are having trouble either getting their clients to embrace the collaboration technology, or aren’t fully adopting it into their workflow. There is another option for such firms: Secure Email Delivery Tools.

Join this live CPE webcast as executive editor Darren Root, CPA.CITP, a proponent of portals, and Steve Dusablon, who favors secure email delivery tools, engage in a lively discussion about which method is the best fit for practices. Their discussion will focus on why portals don’t work for some firms, but do for others.

Event Date: Wednesday, August 8, 2012 – 2:00PM EDT
Receive 1 hour of free CPE credit for participating in this live webcast.

Register here.


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