November 10, 2009

Congrats to this year’s Awesome Add-ons for QuickBooks

The Sleeter Group will be announcing the 2010 winners of the “Awesome Add-ons for QuickBooks” honors this afternoon in Orlando, but he’s given us a heads-up on this year’s winners. So congratulations to the following tech companies who are doing a great job of providing small businesses with additional tools and features specific to their... Read more »

Isaac M. O'Bannon

The Sleeter Group will be announcing the 2010 winners of the “Awesome Add-ons for QuickBooks” honors this afternoon in Orlando, but he’s given us a heads-up on this year’s winners. So congratulations to the following tech companies who are doing a great job of providing small businesses with additional tools and features specific to their industry.

More on the 2010 Awesome Add-ons for QuickBooks is at:

2010 Awesome Add-on for QuickBooks Winners:
Alocet Incorporated, for Method Integration, a web-based platform for QuickBooks
that allows users to create customized, online business management systems
with real-time syncing to their QuickBooks data., for its self-named online system that gives small businesses
automated tools for managing their spending processes, while ensuring that
spending policies are enforced.

MISys, Inc., for MISys SBM Shop Floor Control, which gives manufacturers
enhanced tracking features for managing work tools, production centers, shop
operations and manufacturing capacity.

Netfira, for Connect Commerce, an ecommerce solution offering secure, real-time
applications for both sellers and buyers, giving each party access to more
accurate data that can be automatically integrated into their accounting system.

Propelware, for Autofy, which reduces data entry tasks by synchronizing
business records between desktop and enterprise software, online data sources,
ecommerce systems and mobile devices.

Qvinci Software, for the Qvinci business management system, which aggregates
data from QuickBooks and Excel, providing a dashboard view of financial information
with forward-looking tools, drill down, early warning indicators and graphical
data representations.

Sharefile, for its self-named online collaboration suite that lets users
create custom-branded, secure portals for exchanging business files with clients
and coworkers.

Virtual Software, for Virtual Time + Expense, an online platform that simplifies
the preparation, approval and accounting processes for timesheets and expense
reports, and includes features for time, class and project tracking.

XpandedReports, for ExpandedReports for QuickBooks/Fishbowl, a comprehensive
and flexible reporting tool for business using QuickBooks of Fishbowl Inventory
that helps consultants produce and customize reports for clients, filling
the gaps left by standard reporting options.

The Sleeter Group also recognized incMagic ( search as a “New Product to Watch.”

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