November 18, 2008

Bill4Time Mobile for iPhone and iPod Touch Now Available in iTunes for Free

Two weeks ago, TechnoLawyer publisher Neil Squillante expressed his belief that push synchronization and more capable Smartphones would make laptops obsolete.

We can’t speak for all the tasks that lawyers perform on laptops, but what Neil says is now true for time and expense entries thanks to Bill4Time Mobile for iPhone and iPod touch.


Bill4Time is the Web-based billing application that attracts more and more TechnoLawyer subscribers each week.

Bill4Time Mobile for iPhone and iPod touch is now available free of charge in the iTunes App Store.

Using Bill4Time Mobile is just as easy as using the applications that ship with your iPhone/iPod touch.

You’ll spend most of your time on the main screen from which you can:

• Create a time entry.

• Create an expense entry.

• Schedule a calendar event.

• Create a note.

To create a time entry, simply tap on a client, tap on a matter (project), select an activity, and then enter your time. You can mark it billable or non-billable and even designate it as a flat fee item.

When you finish, Bill4Time Mobile immediately synchronizes over-the-air with your Bill4Time account. The next time you log into Bill4Time on the Web, you’ll see that time record.

Bill4Time Mobile also includes:

• Receivables: Provides a real time overview of each client’s account, including open invoices and recent payments.

• Projects: Shows you all recent activity for a matter (project).

• Schedule: Enables you to view, add, and edit calendar events. You can also convert an event into a time entry.

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