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Disaster Recovery is … well … a Disaster!

Michael Simon Bodner, Ph.D.

[This is part of a special
Disaster Planning section
from the November 2006 issue.]

world changed forever on September 11, 2001. Our inherent sense of security
and stability was shaken as we watched the chaos and terror created by a small
number of people as they flew airplanes loaded with passengers and fuel into
buildings full of people. I doubt if the concept of disaster recovery was something
that the average worker or business spent much time thinking about before that

On September 12, 2001, it was at the top of every corporate and small business
agenda. Put down this magazine and look around at your office. Imagine all of
it being gone in a flash.

A fire, a bomb or a tornado. Gone.

All of the paper. All of the computers. Everything.

Our first reaction to insecurity is to create a plan. Thus, in the months
and years after September 11, 2001, a great many companies spent a great deal
of money on Disaster Recovery Plans. The plans were simple in scope. Assume
the total loss of your primary business site. What steps would you need to take
(and how long would it be) before you could “recover” from such
a disaster.

Millions watched as paper and dust flew into the streets of Manhattan as the
Twin Towers collapsed. What was not fully understood was that not only did people
and property cease to exist as the horror unfolded before our eyes, but entire
businesses were being irrevocably damaged.

Again, think of your office. Every computer, every backup disk and CD, every
paper file … all of it gone.

How long would it take you to recover? Would it even be possible to restart
your business at all?

Let’s look at what most people see as adequate Disaster Recovery Plans.
Most people make backup copies of data and store them on tape or disks. They
are sometimes even clever enough to move these backups to somewhere other than
the office. I say this knowing full well that I have talked to clients over
the years who said that they made backups each day and stored them in a file
cabinet or desk drawer in the office. Thus, the same fire that destroyed all
of the computers also took out the tapes or disks.

Let’s talk about backups. Most people are lazy or casual about backups.
They are diligent at first, but when they see that the time spent appears to
be wasted, they go from daily backups, to weekly, to monthly to “I’m
not sure when I last ran a backup.”

Another great question to ask is, “When did you last test your backups?”

Have you ever gone to the vault, pulled out a tape of “Year End 2004,”
and verified that you could read that tape? When you upgraded your computers
in 2005, did you make sure that you could still read those old tapes? Do you
even know how to restore data from an archive without destroying your good current

What about all of your software? Do you have all of the original licensed
disks and codes? Have you been backing up programs and updates along with your
data? Could you restore all software
and data to a brand new machine and get back to work? Would you have to repurchase
and reinstall software? What if the versions of the software programs that you
are using are no longer being sold or supported?

Astonishingly, most people are clueless as to the complexity of the design
and procedures necessary to keep your data safe via a backup process. The real
disaster comes after they realize how unprepared they were.

As it turns out, the time to actually recover from a disaster in which all
of your computers are lost can be months (or never) depending upon your level
of preparedness.

What about paper documents? Unless you are really a “paperless”
office, you probably have thousands of pages of critical information stored
in file cabinets and boxes. Many of these documents are required as support
material for the work that you do for your clients. Some are original copies
or the only remaining copies still in existence.

What if every paper document in your files was destroyed? How would you recover?

We also should not forget one of the most critical assets that your business
contains — your colleagues and employees. If the unthinkable happens (the
loss of an employee), can your firm continue? Is there anyone in your office
who is the only person that knows something important and necessary to continuing
operations? Are you sure that all key knowledge is spread among others? Are
things documented well enough that a replacement could come in and quickly pick
up the responsibilities and work of a lost resource?

A Disaster Recovery Plan should address all of these issues. You should, within
hours of the disaster, begin to execute a set of planned steps to get your business
running again.

1. Check the status of all of your people. If any are lost, move designated
replacements into key positions via your succession plan or hire new people.
2. Activate your plan for a backup work site.
3. Arrange to have the backup tapes brought to your new work site.
4. Get enough computers and printers delivered to the new site, and bring up
the network and communication lines.
5. Restore everything from the backups (software and data).
6. Regenerate all paper files from other sources (clients and storage).
7. Communicate to customers, press and community that you are coming back.

How long do you think that all of this would take?
Even a strong, well-planned, well-executed Disaster Recovery Plan could take
weeks to months to bring you back to a stage where you could actually run your
business. Are you depressed? Is there a better way? Are there things that small
to medium businesses could do to mitigate these risks? Actually, there is.

The solution resides in a rethinking of the concept of Disaster Recovery itself.
Going “outside of the box” provides us with a different way to look
at the problem. What if, instead of looking at how your business would recover
from a serious disaster, you built a plan that lowers your vulnerability to
the effects of that disaster?

This concept has a name: It is known as Business Continuity Planning.

What is involved in this process is to look at all of your mission-critical
assets (computers, disks, paper and people) and try and design a business operation
framework in which a fault in any area can be “tolerated.” What
do I mean by this? Simply stated, you remove as many “single points of
failure” from your operation as possible. The simplest way to accomplish
this is to build two complete offices, copy all paper records and have a copy
at each site, staff each site with “clones” of all of your key people,
and make sure that you have two compete (separate) IT systems that contain all
of your up-to-date data.

You are probably thinking that this is not a realistic scenario. Okay, I admit
that the cloning of key people is a bit too far out of the box, but what about
the other issues?
Building a fault-tolerant technology infrastructure was once reserved for only
the largest of companies and government agencies. Just a few years ago, it would
have been unreasonable to suggest that you buy a second server as a “hot”
standby machine and set it up at a second facility with a separate IT staff
to support it.

What has changed?
In the last few years, a large number of very high-end “Managed Hosting”
companies have entered a new market. For a very small fee ($200 to $400 per
month), they will provide you with a server in a 24/7 high-tech data center,
manage it for you and give you access to storage as required. These centers
are all over the world and can even offer asynchronous replication to other
data centers (admit it, you’ve never even considered asynchronous replication
or even used it in a sentence before).

Thus, it would be possible for you to set up your network so that all live
data and copies of your programs reside not only in your office, but at a Managed
Hosting site somewhere else in the world. The cost for this type of a setup
is much lower than you think and should be thought of as premiums on a “business
continuity” insurance policy.

How would this work?
Ideally, you would select one place (your office or the data center) as your
primary site. Using your network and a secure Internet connection, you would
do all of your work on the primary. Each time that you write to the primary
disk, asynchronous replication copies that information to the “secondary”
site. Within seconds (depending upon how far away the second site is and how
fast your link is), both sites are “clones” of each other.

Take the following as an example: You prepare taxes in your office. All of
the data and the software also exists on the hosted server. Overnight, a fire
destroys your office. All of the data and programs are available to you the
next morning via the Internet on the managed site! You could go to Best Buy,
purchase a few computers and a wireless hub, and continue to do business while
your office is still smoldering! You could even tell your staff to meet you
at Starbucks and have a temporary office for the cost of a few Lattés.

If you also went to the trouble of digitizing each of your mission-critical
papers using a scanner and an electronic file cabinet type of a product, this
same fault-tolerant setup would give you access to all of the documents that
are stored electronically on the managed host! Rather than having to find tapes,
find a tape reader (not a trivial task), and restore key information, you would
be fully operational within minutes!

This mode of operation is really part of a step toward “virtualizing”
your office anyway, a trend that has existed in the market for years. By running
applications and storing documents on remote servers, you will not only be moving
toward a “no down time” model for business continuity, but you will
enable your staff to work from home when they cannot get to the office (illness,
family stuff or weather). This will even allow for the retention of key staff
that might be forced to move to another city when their spouse is relocated.

As to the cloning of your people, that is still a few years off. But what
you can do is document mission-critical processes and make sure that there are
no pieces of your business that are only understood by one employee. By documenting
processes, you will be building both a succession plan and a business continuity
process. Thus, a disaster that takes out key people will be less difficult to
recover from since you will not be losing unique domain knowledge along with
the loss of a colleague. The process documentation should be stored on a remote
hosted site, as well.
This short primer offers a new approach to managing the continuity of your business
through troubled times.

This article should be raising many questions in the minds of its readers.
I suggest that you talk to your staff about these ideas and investigate whether
or not you feel that you could take the steps to build either a Disaster Recovery
or a Business Continuity Plan. One thing that you should not do is not have
a plan. If you think that you will just work it out when a disaster strikes,
think again. That is why they are called disasters! 


Dr. Bodner is VP of Global Architecture and Standards for Proquest Business
Solutions (