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Increase Your Batting Average In Employee Recruitment With Technology

From the Nov. 2006 Issue

[Note to sole practitioners: Even if you don’t intend to hire new staff,
this article will help you develop a game plan for leveraging technology for
your personal benefit.]

I’ll be the first to admit that technology can’t solve all of
the problems of the world; in fact, it is the catalyst for some of them. However,
when it comes to solving the top problem facing accounting and tax practitioners
— getting and keeping quality staff — technology plays a very significant
role. This article will help you understand why and how you should put technology
at the top of your recruiting and retention strategy.

Time is NOT money, time is time For as long as I can remember, people have
proclaimed “time is money,” and nowhere is this ideology worshipped
more than in the accounting profession, where money earned is directly tied
to hours worked. Fortunately (or unfortunately), depending upon your perspective,
the younger generation entering the profession understands that “time
is time,” and that it’s more valuable than money. They also have
a very keen sense of awareness of the opportunity to leverage technology to
maximize the use of their time. Whether it is to carry on five separate conversations
simultaneously via instant messaging while typing a term paper on their PC,
or listening to their iPod while taking their daily 10k run. Conversely, they
see an organization that doesn’t understand and demonstrate the value
of technology to get things done faster and better as being out of touch with
today’s reality, and is, therefore, a company that is not on a path for
future growth where challenging career opportunities await them.

I’m not an HR expert, but having a pool of 15 nieces and nephews ranging
in age from 13 to 31, plus a couple of teenage kids of my own, gives me a nice
“control group” for observing what makes them tick and what doesn’t.
Here are some of the key observations I have made about the younger generation
in the workforce and technology:

  • They like to work hard and play hard. This means they are looking for access
    to all of the tools that can help them get the job done quicker and better.
    In other words, they want to optimize their personal productivity.
  • They like spontaneity in terms of being able to do things on a whim. This
    means operating in an environment that affords them maximum flexibility to
    get the job done at a time and place of their choosing. This is a tough concept
    for us Baby Boomers to accept.
  • They are capable of having solid working relationships and team camaraderie
    without working face to face. Their mastery of cell phones, instant messaging,
    e-mail and personal portals is the next best thing to being there. By the
    way, they expect to be able to connect instantly, using these tools, to their
    co-workers and supervisors.

The point of all of this: You need to understand the potent value of the role
technology plays in recruiting and retaining the kind of people who are going
to help you move your practice forward. Let’s take a look at how you can
position technology as a key enticement to new recruits and compete effectively
with the large firms in recruiting new staff, as well as to keep your existing
staff engaged. The following is an outline for a 10-point plan for you to put
technology at the forefront of your staff recruitment and retention strategy:

1 — Don’t try to be something you’re not
Let’s start on a solid foundation. If you don’t have a really compelling
story to tell about how you leverage technology in your firm, don’t try
to mask the truth. Instead, make a commitment to build a digital practice model,
and send a clear message to potential recruits about what you intend to accomplish
and why you need them to help you get there. If you are sincere in communicating
this type of message, it may be the most powerful weapon you can use to compete
for new staff. Everyone likes to feel like they are making a difference and
to be a part of building something special.

2 — Establish an anytime, anywhere technology model
This may be easier said than done, but for a myriad of reasons this should be
a key strategic objective of every firm. In regards to recruitment and retention,
it expands the pool of potential prospects who will want to be a part of your
team. There are two basic ways to accomplish this: Implement a remote access
solution such as Citrix or MS Terminal Server to provide remote access to all
of your software applications and data or leverage web-hosted solutions for
all of your key applications (tax, trial balance, document management, etc.).
Either approach will help you achieve the objective.

3 — Automated Workpaper (AWP) System
Going paperless is not some obscure concept anymore; it’s a real practice
model that provides compelling benefits. An automated workpaper system allows
your staff to perform all trial balance related engagements in a truly paperless
workflow model. Tools such as CaseWare, ProSystem fx Engagement and Engagement
CS are some of the more commonly used solutions. This may not be the easiest
initiative to undertake, but the ROI can be substantial.

4 — Document Management System (DMS)
Document management goes hand in hand with AWP systems to develop a paperless
practice. The DMS replaces ALL of you paper filing systems for tax, audit, specialized
services and practice management. You can’t provide a paperless work environment
without a DMS. If you want to develop a true anytime/anywhere practice model,
you’ll have to become paperless.

5 — Instant Messaging (IM)
This may be the easiest initiative to implement. Yahoo!, AOL and MSN all offer
instant messaging services. Like any method of communication, instant messaging
has its pros and cons. But you can be sure that if you let recruits know that
it is a part of your technology strategy, you will likely get some bonus points
on their score sheet. Give IM a try with your family and/or your existing staff
so you can develop a comfort level with it; you may find it very helpful. IM
is the method of communication used about 30 percent to 40 percent of the time
with our team at CPA Crossings.

6 — Web Conferencing
This is a “must have” for every tax and accounting firm. Once you
discover how effective and inexpensive this tool is for communicating with clients
and staff, you will wonder what took you so long to embrace it. You can get
an “all you can meet” subscription for less than $40 per month.
This is an easy way to clearly demonstrate that your firm embraces state-of-the-art
technology. If you can only pick one initiative on which to focus, web conferencing
would be at the top of my list.

7 — Broadband Connectivity
Don’t be penny-wise and pound-foolish when it comes to choosing your data
communications service. Whether you think time is money or time is time, the
bottom line is that faster data connectivity translates into less time spent
waiting. If you want to take it to the next level, wireless broadband is now
available in many metropolitan areas to take your broadband access to the field
with you.

8 — Dual Monitors
Your initial reaction is that this may be a frivolous expense, but if you ask
any practitioner who has used dual monitors for more than a month or two, chances
are you’ll hear an unabridged
testimonial on the virtues of making this investment. I believe it is currently
the one technology initiative that provides the greatest ROI for accounting
and tax practitioners in regards to individual productivity.

9 — Website
I’m assuming you have a website. The question is how appealing and useful
is it? In the area of employee recruiting, having a web page dedicated to postings
of employment opportunities with your firm has become the rule rather than the
exception. Even if you don’t have a specific position available, you should
provide an opportunity for website visitors to submit their contact information
and their interest in joining your firm. Whatever you do, be sure to respond
as quickly as possible to any such inquiries.

10 — Portal
Implementing a portal as an extension of your web page is another way to demonstrate
to prospective recruits, as well as to your clients, that you are a firm that
leverages state-of-the-art technology solutions. Providing employees the ability
to enter timesheets, expense reports, CPE attendance and other personnel-related
information online via your portal will be directly perceived as another aspect
of your firm that will let them save more time as well as allow them to work

If you develop a technology strategy based on these points, you will be well
on your way to having a powerful recruiting message that yours is a state-of-the-art

Final thought
It’s a pretty safe bet that in any conversation among HR pundits in the
accounting profession, the topic of work-life balance will quickly surface.
The concept, of course, is that employees want to balance their commitment to
work with their commitment to their personal life. This is essentially shorthand
for a desire to work fewer hours, which has some positive implications for both
the individual and the firm. I contend, however, that the real opportunity exists
in providing a work-life integration culture. Work-life balance implies that
there is a black-and-white relationship between being on the job or off the
job. This is in direct conflict with the 24/7 way of life to which we have evolved.
Work-life integration on the other hand refers to establishing an environment
where the employee can have greater control over when and where they do their
work. Let them be the captains of their schedule so that they can work and play
according to their self-defined schedule. I realize this is radical thinking
for many of us who grew up as Baby Boomers, but we are living in different times.
And if you buy into the assertion that the new workforce likes to work hard
and play hard, then a work-life integration model will appeal directly to the
market you are trying to recruit and put you one step ahead of your competition.
And every step is a giant step in today’s competitive staffing market.
Good Luck! 


John Higgins, CPA.CITP is a Strategic Advisor with CPA Crossings, LLC, specializing
in helping accounting and tax practitioners develop strategies and implement
solutions for a digital practice model. In the area of human resources, CPA
Crossings offers a comprehensive paperless appraisal model. Contact John at
248-652-1480 for more information.